ASCO GI丨Anna Dorothea Wagner教授:HER2阳性胃癌靶向治疗新探索,曲妥珠单抗彰显围手术期治疗新希望

肿瘤瞭望 2025/2/11 10:48:06
编者按:近日,2025年美国临床肿瘤学会胃肠道肿瘤研讨会(ASCO GI)在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山举行。《肿瘤瞭望》特邀瑞士洛桑大学医院Anna Dorothea Wagner教授分享EORTC-1203 GITC临床研究的创新结果,评估了曲妥珠单抗和帕妥珠单抗联合化疗在HER2阳性胃癌围手术期治疗中的疗效。Anna Dorothea Wagner教授指出,尽管EORTC-1203 GITC试验存在一定局限性,但该研究结果揭示了抗HER2靶向治疗在改善HER2阳性胃癌患者生存结局方面的潜力,未来仍需要大规模研究予以验证。Anna Dorothea Wagner教授的研究及其观点为HER2阳性胃癌的精准治疗提供了新的思路和方向。


Anna Dorothea Wagner教授:目前,对于不可切除的晚期或转移性HER2阳性胃癌患者,化疗联合曲妥珠单抗或化疗联合曲妥珠单抗+帕博利珠单抗已成为标准治疗策略,并且抗HER2靶向治疗也展现出了显著疗效。
众所周知,在HER2阳性乳腺癌患者中,曲妥珠单抗新辅助治疗可将五年总生存率提高约10%。对于局部晚期或转移性胃癌,西方国家也会采用围手术期化疗作为标准治疗方案,手术联合围手术期化疗的五年OS率约为50%。在HER2阳性胃癌患者中,仅在转移阶段进行抗HER2治疗是不合理的,因此对于早期阶段患者,我们开展了EORTC-1203 GITC试验,在围术期治疗中引入靶向治疗手段,以期进一步提升生存率。我们的目标就是通过优化治疗策略,增加患者实现长期缓解的可能性。
Oncology Frontier:Could you please introduce the current status of HER2-targeted treatment for gastric cancer?
Dr.Anna Dorothea Wagner:It’s my pleasure to respond to this question.Currently,adding trastuzumab to chemotherapy—either alone or in combination with pembrolizumab—is the standard of care for patients with advanced or metastatic gastric cancers who cannot be cured.Targeting HER2 has also been highly effective in the treatment of both metastatic and localized breast cancer.
In breast cancer patients,neoadjuvant trastuzumab improves five-year overall survival by about 10%.For locally advanced or localized gastric cancer,perioperative chemotherapy is the standard of care in Western countries.The overall survival rate with surgery and perioperative chemotherapy is approximately 50%at five years.The idea behind our trial was to improve survival by incorporating targeted therapy for patients with HER2-positive tumors.It seemed inconsistent to offer HER2-targeted therapy only in the metastatic setting and not when patients have a chance of being cured.Our aim was to increase their likelihood of achieving long-term remission.
《肿瘤瞭望》:EORTC-1203 GITC研究的设计如何?

Anna Dorothea Wagner教授:本研究为一项开放标签、随机、对照的Ⅱ期临床试验,纳入了来自欧洲、韩国和新加坡37个中心的患者,按1:2:2随机分组,分别予以化疗、化疗+曲妥珠单抗、化疗+曲帕双靶。主要终点为主要病理缓解率(MPR),由两位资深病理学家独立评估,如有分歧,则由第三位专家进行复核。次要终点包括无进展生存期(PFS)和总生存期(OS)。
Oncology Frontier:What is the design of the EORTC-1203 GITC"INNOVATION"clinical study?
Dr.Anna Dorothea Wagner:This was an open-label,randomized phase 2 trial with a 1:2:2 randomization.The study included patients from 37 centers across Europe,South Korea,and Singapore.The primary endpoint was the major pathologic response rate,which was independently assessed by two senior pathologists,with a third expert reviewing discrepancies.Secondary endpoints included progression-free survival and overall survival.
The trial was designed to evaluate an improvement in the major pathologic response rate from 25%to 45%by adding trastuzumab alone or a combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab to standard perioperative chemotherapy.The protocol specified that the double-antibody combination would be tested first,and if positive,the single-antibody approach would be examined.

Anna Dorothea Wagner教授:在2015年研究启动时,标准的全身治疗方案为顺铂联合氟尿嘧啶;然而,在2019年FLOT-4试验结果公布后,化疗方案更新为FLOT方案。
图2.EORTC-1203 GITC研究的MPR率
Oncology Frontier:How do you evaluate the performance of trastuzumab and pertuzumab in this study?
Dr.Anna Dorothea Wagner:When we initiated the trial in 2015,the standard systemic treatment was a combination of cisplatin and fluoropyrimidine.However,after the publication of the FLOT-4 trial in 2019,the chemotherapy backbone was updated to FLOT.
Our findings indicate that adding trastuzumab alone to perioperative chemotherapy increased the major pathologic response rate by 13%overall.Specifically,in patients treated with neoadjuvant FLOT,the response rate improved from 33.3%to 53.3%,which we consider a significant advantage.However,in patients treated with both trastuzumab and pertuzumab,the benefit was marginal,likely due to reduced chemotherapy intensity.Moreover,the double-antibody regimen did not improve overall survival or response rates and was associated with increased toxicity,particularly diarrhea.Therefore,our study does not support the use of this combination.
Conversely,trastuzumab alone demonstrated clear benefits in major pathologic response rate and progression-free survival.In the overall patient population,the hazard ratio for progression-free survival was 0.85,with a notable advantage in patients who received the treatment before the amendment(HR:0.64).However,after the amendment,the benefit was not as pronounced(HR:1.04).For overall survival,the hazard ratio was 0.89—0.77 before the amendment and 0.99 after.
Relapse-free survival showed a strong correlation with major pathologic response.Patients who achieved a major pathologic response had a hazard ratio of 0.26 for relapse-free survival and 0.25 for overall survival,which is highly significant.However,due to the small sample size and premature closure of the study,the improvement in major pathologic response rate did not translate into a statistically significant overall survival benefit.
Our study should be viewed in the context of two other trials.The Japanese TRIGGER trial demonstrated a survival benefit of trastuzumab for patients with HER2-positive gastric cancer and limited lymph node metastases.Additionally,the HER-FLOT trial,led by Ralf Hofheinz,reported an impressive three-year survival rate of 82%in patients treated with neoadjuvant FLOT plus trastuzumab,which aligns with our findings of 76%survival at three years.
While trastuzumab cannot yet be recommended as a standard addition to perioperative chemotherapy due to the small sample size and lack of significant survival results,its higher response rate suggests that it could be beneficial for patients with large tumors where tumor shrinkage is crucial before surgery.Thus,the decision to add trastuzumab should be made on an individual basis,weighing the potential benefits and risks between doctor and patient.
